(2)刪除第(di)六章投標資(zi)料表第(di)* 13.3.5)項第4條“所投(tou)產(chan)品必須(xu)具有(you)中(zhong)華人民(min)共和國(guo)醫(yi)療(liao)器械注冊證(提供掃描件,原件備查)”;
1.1、 *吊塔、氣體(ti)終端為(wei)同一品(pin)牌,氣體(ti)終端原廠(chang)生產,非(fei)OEM、外(wai)購第(di)三方品牌產(chan)品。提供書面證明文件。
1.2、 吊塔同品牌(pai)正壓原理(li)專用(yong)麻醉(zui)廢氣排(pai)放裝置,禁(jin)止使用(yong)直接負壓抽吸(xi),提(ti)供麻醉(zui)廢氣排(pai)放裝置結構圖文說明文件,備實(shi)物備查。
1.3、 吊塔內(nei)部(bu)氣體軟管須(xu)采(cai)(cai)用(yong)橡(xiang)膠材質,不得采(cai)(cai)用(yong)PVC材質,備實物備查。
1.4、 吊(diao)塔軸承的(de)基本額定動載荷≥10000KG;基本額定靜載(zai)荷≥60000KG。吊(diao)塔軸承須采用推力滾針軸承,其滾針硬度≥60HRC。提(ti)供證明(ming)文件。
1.5、 吊塔采用高強度(du)鋁鎂合(he)金材料(liao),圓弧形全封閉式設計,表面無銳角,無螺絲釘外露。材料(liao)必須(xu)防腐蝕,便(bian)于清洗(xi)。適合(he)醫用潔(jie)凈環境(jing)。
1.6、 *所投吊塔品牌必需具有由檢測機構出具的防撞測試、承重測試檢測通過合格(ge)報(bao)告,提供測試檢測通過合格(ge)報(bao)告復印件。
1.7、 *所投吊塔(ta)品(pin)牌(pai)為滿足中國(guo)國(guo)家醫院建(jian)筑(zhu)抗震規范要求(qiu),需提供吊塔(ta)地震測試檢(jian)測通過(guo)合(he)格(ge)報(bao)告(gao)復印(yin)件。
1.8、 吊塔(ta)(ta)氣(qi)電(dian)分離設(she)計:吊塔(ta)(ta)箱體底端(duan)必須(xu)有氧(yang)氣(qi)瀉流(liu)孔設(she)計,保證(zheng)氧(yang)氣(qi)意(yi)(yi)外泄漏(lou)的順利排出(chu),防止出(chu)現塔(ta)(ta)內氧(yang)氣(qi)蓄積并(bing)與電(dian)源線(xian)造(zao)成(cheng)火災意(yi)(yi)外;必須(xu)提(ti)供圖(tu)片(pian)或(huo)實物證(zheng)明(ming)。
1.9、 氣體終(zhong)端要求(提供(gong)證(zheng)明文件):
(5)有ISO EN737或(huo)DIN 13260 認證,吊塔上所配套(tao)氣體終(zhong)端須和(he)吊塔為同一品牌,由吊塔制造廠(chang)家原廠(chang)生產(chan)。
2.1、 橋架式(shi)吊塔(ta),吊塔(ta)主體(ti)橫梁(liang)圓(yuan)弧形全(quan)封(feng)閉式(shi)設計,表面無銳角(jiao),無螺絲釘,吊塔(ta)定位準確,下垂頭不易(yi)漂移。
2.2、 高強度鋁(lv)鎂合金材質,抗金屬(shu)疲勞強度高,長時間負重不變形。
2.3、 橋(qiao)架式吊塔橫(heng)梁長度2200mm-3500mm可供選擇(ze),最終(zhong)可根據醫院實際場地情況確(que)定。
2.4、 橋架式吊(diao)塔(ta)所有電路、氣體管(guan)道(dao)內置于(yu)橫梁(liang)內,通(tong)過塔(ta)體內走(zou)線連(lian)接吊(diao)頭(tou)(tou)。無(wu)需(xu)另外通(tong)過其(qi)他(ta)裸露在橫梁(liang)與吊(diao)頭(tou)(tou)之間的管(guan)道(dao)相連(lian)接。
2.5、 橋架式吊(diao)塔照明閱(yue)讀燈,內(nei)置于(yu)吊(diao)塔橫梁中, 和吊塔設(she)備一體,節(jie)約空間。
2.6、 橋架(jia)式吊(diao)塔間接(jie)照(zhao)明燈(deng)安裝位置在橫梁朝天(tian)花板(ban)方向內,燈(deng)光(guang)向上照(zhao)射,夜間不影(ying)響病人(ren)休息。
2.7、 橋架(jia)式吊塔(ta)有吊頭吊架式結構,吊頭兩(liang)側為38mm直徑不(bu)銹鋼圓形吊(diao)管,中間托(tuo)盤,前后通透,托(tuo)盤位(wei)于吊頭正下方,重心(xin)穩(wen)固,適宜承載各種規格尺寸的儀器(qi)。可以沿橫梁水平移動,配備摩(mo)擦(ca)剎車。提(ti)供廠家(jia)蓋公(gong)章圖片文(wen)字(zi)證明文(wen)件原件。
2.8、 橋架式吊(diao)塔托盤(pan)的上(shang)(shang)下(xia)距離可調,可固定(ding)在兩側吊(diao)桿上(shang)(shang)任意位置,調整高度后吊(diao)桿上(shang)(shang)不會有(you)任何缺口(kou)。提供廠(chang)家蓋公章圖片文字證明文件(jian)。
2.9、 橋架式(shi)吊塔下垂頭吊桿為圓形鋼管(guan)設計(ji),表面光(guang)滑(hua),無缺口。可在吊桿上任意高度(du)位置安裝雙(shuang)關節旋轉(zhuan)伸展臂、托盤等配件。提(ti)供廠家蓋公章圖片(pian)文(wen)字證明(ming)文(wen)件。
2.10、 橋(qiao)架(jia)式吊(diao)塔吊(diao)架(jia)旋轉角度(du)≥330°,吊塔的(de)吊頭在(zai)病床兩側橫向運(yun)行距離+/-550mm。
2.11、 橋架式吊塔承重負載(zai)能力≥250Kg,下垂頭起重能(neng)力≥150Kg。
2.12、 橋架式(shi)吊塔有吊柱(zhu)(zhu)式(shi)結構(gou),吊柱(zhu)(zhu)長度(du)≥1000mm。
2.13、 配置(zhi)要求:
1) 下垂頭(tou)(tou):吊頭(tou)(tou)吊架(jia),配備(bei)二層(ceng)設備(bei)托盤(pan),抽(chou)拉式抽(chou)屜1個,2套(tao);吊(diao)柱,配備(bei)二層設(she)備(bei)托盤, 抽拉式抽屜1個, 2套;
2) 雙關節(jie)旋轉伸展臂,雙臂長(chang)300mm+300mm 6套;
3) 高(gao)度可(ke)調輸液(ye)桿 6套;
4) 德(de)標氣體(ti)(ti)插座:氧氣x2,空氣x1,負(fu)壓x2,2套;氧氣x3,空氣(qi)x2,負壓x3,2套;
5) 中(zhong)制電源插(cha)(cha)座(zuo):電源插(cha)(cha)座(zuo)x7,2套;電源(yuan)插座x12,2套;
6) 網絡接(jie)口(kou):2個,2套; 4個,2套;
7) 配卡箍和(he)夾具保(bao)證管、線有序(xu)的人性化裝置(zhi)。
1、 吊塔吊柱(zhu)旋(xuan)轉角度(du)≥330°
2、 凈載(zai)重量≥100Kg,通過(guo)IEC 60601-1 2nd edition的4倍承重測試。提供(gong)證明文(wen)件。
3、 下垂頭(tou)使用(yong)三面(mian)棱(leng)形吊柱式(shi)結構(gou),吊柱三個(ge)面(mian)都(dou)可以安裝圓形鋼管吊桿(gan),吊桿(gan)可安裝托盤、旋轉輸液桿(gan)、顯示器支臂等附件(jian),吊柱長度≥1000mm。提供廠家蓋公(gong)章圖片文字證明文件(jian)。
4、 托盤、旋轉輸液桿、顯示器支臂高度可通過抱箍(gu)任意調節,調整高度后吊桿上不(bu)會在原來位置留(liu)下缺口。提供廠家蓋(gai)公(gong)章圖片文字(zi)證明文件。
5、 托(tuo)盤(pan)帶導(dao)軌,適合安裝懸掛各種規格網籃、吸氧裝置、負(fu)壓裝置。提供廠家(jia)蓋公章圖(tu)片文字證明(ming)文件。
6、 配置要(yao)求:
(1) 配(pei)備(bei)二層設備(bei)托盤,6套;
(2) 抽(chou)拉式(shi)抽(chou)屜(ti)1個, 6套;
(3) 雙關(guan)節旋轉伸(shen)展臂2個(ge),雙臂長300mm+300mm,6套 ;
(4) 高度可(ke)調輸液桿(gan) 2個,6套。
(1)The Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 2015-1-20 14:30;
(2) Delete Section 6 Bid Data Sheet * 13.3.5)4、the product must have the People's Republic of China cast Medical Device Registration Certificate (provide scanned copies, the original reference);
(3)Ⅰ.Equipment Requirements
Multi-functional medical cranes 10 sets.
II. Technical Specifications
1, main technical parameters and performance specifications:
1.1, * cranes, gas terminal for the same brand, the original factory production, gas terminal of OEM, outsourcing third party brand goods. Provide written documents.
1.2, cranes with brand positive pressure principle dedicated anesthetic exhaust device, banning the use of negative pressure suction, directly provide anesthesia exhaust device structure graphic description file, prepare material for future reference.
1.3, the rubber material should be used in cranes internal gas hose, shall not use PVC material, prepare material for future reference.
1.4, cranes, bearing the basic dynamic load rating of 10000 kg or more; Basic rated static load or 60000 kg. Should be used in cranes bearing thrust needle roller bearing, the needle roller hardness or 60 HRC. Provide supporting documents.
1.5, cranes with high strength aluminum magnesium alloy materials, fully enclosed design of circular arc form, surface without acute Angle, no screws exposed. Material must be corrosion resistant, easy to clean. Suitable for medical clean environment.
* 1.6 For cranes, brand must have collision test issued by the inspection agencies, bearing test detection through the qualified report, provide test detection through the qualified report copy.
* 1.7 For cranes, brands to meet the requirements of China's national hospital building seismic code, need to offer cranes seismic tests to detect through the qualified report copy.
1.8, cranes gas-electric separation design: cranes must have oxygen in the lower end of the box body of effusion hole design, guarantee the smooth oxygen accidental leakage discharge, and prevent the accumulation of oxygen in the tower and the power cord cause fire accident; Must provide photos or physical proof.
1.9 (provide documents required, gas terminal) :
(1) all gas terminal for the original products, brand with cranes. Gas plug with a positive check valve design, to prevent the reverse gas.
(2) all gas interface must take three status: communication, break, pull, plug socket plug can ensure more than 20000 times, with removable type positive maintenance.
(3) all kinds of gas outlet must be in accordance with ISO standard logo are different colors and different shapes, and have six ball type design, (six ball design pictures or physical proof), have mistakenly put prevention function.
(4) three sealing ring and shell design, make sure that the parts are detachable and can be positive maintenance. (provide physical structure of evidence).
(5) have ISO EN737 or DIN 13260 certification, the cranes on the supporting gas terminal and cranes for the same brand, by the original factory cranes manufacturer production.
2, cranes technical parameter requirements: a total of 10 units
(A) NICU cranes (A) 4
2.1 posture cranes, bridge cranes main beam totally enclosed design of circular arc form, surface without acute Angle, no screws, cranes accurate positioning and the blue is not easy to drift.
2.2, high strength aluminium magnesium alloy material, metal fatigue strength is high, the load deformation for a long time.
2.3, bridge mounted cranes beam length is 2200 mm - 3500 - mm to choose from, finally according to the hospital actual site situation.
2.4, bridge mounted cranes all circuit, gas pipe in the bar, go through the tower body line hanging head. Need other through other bare pipe connected between the beams with hanging head.
2.5 posture cranes reading lamp lighting, bridge, built into beam cranes, cranes and equipment integration, save space.
2.6, bridge frame crane tower indirect lighting installation location within the beam in the direction of the ceiling, lighting up illuminate, does not affect the patient to rest at night.
2.7, bridge mounted cranes hanging head frame type structure, hanging on both sides of the head is 38 mm diameter stainless steel round tube, the middle tray, connect fully, before and after the tray is located in the crane head directly, centre of gravity is strong, suitable for carrying all kinds of the size of the instrument. Can be along the beam horizontal move, equipped with the friction brake. Provide original factory official seal image text documents.
2.8 and bridge type crane tower tray and distance is adjustable, can be fixed on the two side derrick at any position, adjust the height on the derrick after there is no gap. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.
2.9, bridge frame under blue derrick crane tower for circular steel tube design, smooth surface, no gap. Can be any height on the derrick position installed double joint rotation stretch arms, tray and accessories. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.
2.10 frame crane, bridge crane frame rotation Angle 330 °, or cranes hanging head on both sides of the bed transverse distance running + / - 550 - mm.
2.11, bridge mounted cranes bearing load capacity 250 kg or more, under the blue hoisting capacity 150 kg or more.
2.12, the structure of the frame bridge crane tower has davit type, davit length 1000 mm or more.
2.13 requirement, configuration information:
1) under the blue: hanging head hanger, equipped with equipment tray on the second floor, drawer is smoked pull 1, 2 sets; Davit, equipped with 2 equipment tray, drawer is smoked pull 1, 2 sets;
2) double joint rotation stretch arms, arms six sets of 300 mm + 300 mm long;
3) the height is adjustable transfusion six sets of bar;
4) the gas outlet: oxygen x2, air x1, x2, negative pressure 2 sets; Oxygen x3, x2, air suction x3, 2 sets;
5) power outlet: power socket x7, 2 sets; Power outlet x12, 2 sets;
6) network interface: 2, 2 sets; 4, 2 sets;
7) band and fixture ensure pipe, line orderly humanization device.
(2) of NICU cranes (B) 6
1, the crane tower crane column rotation Angle 330 ° or higher
2, net weight 100 kg, or by IEC 60601-1 2 nd edition 4 times bearing test. Provide supporting documents.
3, under the blue use three sides prismatic davit type structure, the davit three sides can install circular steel tube boom, boom may install tray, rotating infusion rod, monitor arms and other accessories, davit length 1000 mm or more. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.
4, tray, rotating infusion rod, a display arms can be adjusted through the hoop arbitrary, adjust the height on the derrick after not leave gaps in the original position. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.
5, pallet with guide rail, suitable for installation hanging all kinds of top, oxygen device, negative pressure device. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.
6, configuration requirements:
(1) equipped with equipment tray on the second floor, six sets of;
(2) the drawer is smoked pull 1, 6 sets of;
(3) the joint extended arm rotated 2, arms 300 mm + 300 mm long, 6 sets of;
(4) height adjustable infusion rod 2, 6 sets of.
聯 系 人:胡寧 李保(bao)東(dong)
電 話:82800088、82800099-839
傳 真:82800022
E- mail:tenderee@163.com
二〇一(yi)五年一(yi)月四日(ri) -FAMILY: 宋體; COLOR: black; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.5pt; mso-font-kerning: 0pt; mso-ascii-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-themecolor: text1">吊柱長度≥1000mm。提供廠(chang)家蓋公章(zhang)圖(tu)片文字(zi)證明(ming)文件。
4、 托盤(pan)、旋轉(zhuan)輸液桿(gan)、顯示器(qi)支臂高度可通過抱箍任意(yi)調節,調整(zheng)高度后(hou)吊(diao)桿(gan)上不會在原來位(wei)置留下缺口。提供廠家蓋公(gong)章(zhang)圖片(pian)文(wen)字證明文(wen)件(jian)。
5、 托(tuo)盤帶導軌(gui),適(shi)合(he)安(an)裝懸掛各(ge)種規格網(wang)籃、吸氧裝置(zhi)、負壓裝置(zhi)。提(ti)供廠家蓋(gai)公章圖片文字證明文件。
6、 配置要(yao)求:
(1) 配(pei)備二層設備托盤,6套;
(2) 抽拉式抽屜1個, 6套;
(3) 雙關節旋轉伸展臂2個,雙臂長300mm+300mm,6套 ;
(4) 高(gao)度可(ke)調輸液(ye)桿 2個,6套。
(1)The Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 2015-1-20 14:30;
(2) Delete Section 6 Bid Data Sheet * 13.3.5)4、the product must have the People's Republic of China cast Medical Device Registration Certificate (provide scanned copies, the original reference);
(3)Ⅰ.Equipment Requirements
Multi-functional medical cranes 10 sets.
II. Technical Specifications
1, main technical parameters and performance specifications:
1.1, * cranes, gas terminal for the same brand, the original factory production, gas terminal of OEM, outsourcing third party brand goods. Provide written documents.
1.2, cranes with brand positive pressure principle dedicated anesthetic exhaust device, banning the use of negative pressure suction, directly provide anesthesia exhaust device structure graphic description file, prepare material for future reference.
1.3, the rubber material should be used in cranes internal gas hose, shall not use PVC material, prepare material for future reference.
1.4, cranes, bearing the basic dynamic load rating of 10000 kg or more; Basic rated static load or 60000 kg. Should be used in cranes bearing thrust needle roller bearing, the needle roller hardness or 60 HRC. Provide supporting documents.
1.5, cranes with high strength aluminum magnesium alloy materials, fully enclosed design of circular arc form, surface without acute Angle, no screws exposed. Material must be corrosion resistant, easy to clean. Suitable for medical clean environment.
* 1.6 For cranes, brand must have collision test issued by the inspection agencies, bearing test detection through the qualified report, provide test detection through the qualified report copy.
* 1.7 For cranes, brands to meet the requirements of China's national hospital building seismic code, need to offer cranes seismic tests to detect through the qualified report copy.
1.8, cranes gas-electric separation design: cranes must have oxygen in the lower end of the box body of effusion hole design, guarantee the smooth oxygen accidental leakage discharge, and prevent the accumulation of oxygen in the tower and the power cord cause fire accident; Must provide photos or physical proof.
1.9 (provide documents required, gas terminal) :
(1) all gas terminal for the original products, brand with cranes. Gas plug with a positive check valve design, to prevent the reverse gas.
(2) all gas interface must take three status: communication, break, pull, plug socket plug can ensure more than 20000 times, with removable type positive maintenance.
(3) all kinds of gas outlet must be in accordance with ISO standard logo are different colors and different shapes, and have six ball type design, (six ball design pictures or physical proof), have mistakenly put prevention function.
(4) three sealing ring and shell design, make sure that the parts are detachable and can be positive maintenance. (provide physical structure of evidence).
(5) have ISO EN737 or DIN 13260 certification, the cranes on the supporting gas terminal and cranes for the same brand, by the original factory cranes manufacturer production.
2, cranes technical parameter requirements: a total of 10 units
(A) NICU cranes (A) 4
2.1 posture cranes, bridge cranes main beam totally enclosed design of circular arc form, surface without acute Angle, no screws, cranes accurate positioning and the blue is not easy to drift.
2.2, high strength aluminium magnesium alloy material, metal fatigue strength is high, the load deformation for a long time.
2.3, bridge mounted cranes beam length is 2200 mm - 3500 - mm to choose from, finally according to the hospital actual site situation.
2.4, bridge mounted cranes all circuit, gas pipe in the bar, go through the tower body line hanging head. Need other through other bare pipe connected between the beams with hanging head.
2.5 posture cranes reading lamp lighting, bridge, built into beam cranes, cranes and equipment integration, save space.
2.6, bridge frame crane tower indirect lighting installation location within the beam in the direction of the ceiling, lighting up illuminate, does not affect the patient to rest at night.
2.7, bridge mounted cranes hanging head frame type structure, hanging on both sides of the head is 38 mm diameter stainless steel round tube, the middle tray, connect fully, before and after the tray is located in the crane head directly, centre of gravity is strong, suitable for carrying all kinds of the size of the instrument. Can be along the beam horizontal move, equipped with the friction brake. Provide original factory official seal image text documents.
2.8 and bridge type crane tower tray and distance is adjustable, can be fixed on the two side derrick at any position, adjust the height on the derrick after there is no gap. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.
2.9, bridge frame under blue derrick crane tower for circular steel tube design, smooth surface, no gap. Can be any height on the derrick position installed double joint rotation stretch arms, tray and accessories. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.
2.10 frame crane, bridge crane frame rotation Angle 330 °, or cranes hanging head on both sides of the bed transverse distance running + / - 550 - mm.
2.11, bridge mounted cranes bearing load capacity 250 kg or more, under the blue hoisting capacity 150 kg or more.
2.12, the structure of the frame bridge crane tower has davit type, davit length 1000 mm or more.
2.13 requirement, configuration information:
1) under the blue: hanging head hanger, equipped with equipment tray on the second floor, drawer is smoked pull 1, 2 sets; Davit, equipped with 2 equipment tray, drawer is smoked pull 1, 2 sets;
2) double joint rotation stretch arms, arms six sets of 300 mm + 300 mm long;
3) the height is adjustable transfusion six sets of bar;
4) the gas outlet: oxygen x2, air x1, x2, negative pressure 2 sets; Oxygen x3, x2, air suction x3, 2 sets;
5) power outlet: power socket x7, 2 sets; Power outlet x12, 2 sets;
6) network interface: 2, 2 sets; 4, 2 sets;
7) band and fixture ensure pipe, line orderly humanization device.
(2) of NICU cranes (B) 6
1, the crane tower crane column rotation Angle 330 ° or higher
2, net weight 100 kg, or by IEC 60601-1 2 nd edition 4 times bearing test. Provide supporting documents.
3, under the blue use three sides prismatic davit type structure, the davit three sides can install circular steel tube boom, boom may install tray, rotating infusion rod, monitor arms and other accessories, davit length 1000 mm or more. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.
4, tray, rotating infusion rod, a display arms can be adjusted through the hoop arbitrary, adjust the height on the derrick after not leave gaps in the original position. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.
5, pallet with guide rail, suitable for installation hanging all kinds of top, oxygen device, negative pressure device. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.
6, configuration requirements:
(1) equipped with equipment tray on the second floor, six sets of;
(2) the drawer is smoked pull 1, 6 sets of;
(3) the joint extended arm rotated 2, arms 300 mm + 300 mm long, 6 sets of;
(4) height adjustable infusion rod 2, 6 sets of.
聯 系 人(ren):胡(hu)寧 李保東(dong)
電 話:82800088、82800099-839
傳 真(zhen):82800022
E- mail:tenderee@163.com
二〇一(yi)五(wu)年一(yi)月四(si)日 |